registration now open
registration now open
$299 for a full week of ROT practices
$56 2 hour workshop (both days)
$30 drop-in
$84 3 hour workshop (both days)
$45 drop-in
email for low income sliding scale

Detail from wallpaper
Kija Lucas : Hidden Histories
Mill college art museum Feb 2025.

Thursday, February 20
8 pm - 12 am
The girls are ROTTING, honey! ROT Festival x Crip Ecstasy join forces for an access-focused evening of experimental drag, performance art, and dancing at The Stud SF that is not to be missed!
Performances by:
IMAN / @therealiman84
KOCHINA RUDE / @kochinarude
GLAMPUTEE / @glamputee
JANPISTAR / @janpistar
with music by Crip Ecstasy resident DJ Fridge / @djfridge_
The Stud is fully wheelchair accessible, with accessible gender-neutral restrooms with grab bars. Multiple seating options available, including bean bags, wide-legged chairs & more.
ASL Interpretation for all drag performances.
Audio Description provided by @gravity_access_services , with pre-show haptic touch tour at 8:00pm. Please register for tour through the ticket link or by emailing
Bar with non-alcoholic options. Narcan on site.
KN95 or similar masks (without valves) will be required for this indoor event. Drag artists may perform unmasked, but will test for covid on the day of, prior to the event.
When taking a sip of your drink, please put your mask back on. Stay home if you’re not feeling well. Help us make this covid safer space!
Air filtration provided by @clean_air_network
Any questions? Please DM or email us at /
We are taking the precautions that we can for this event, which is a Drag show at a bar that also depends on income from bar sales. We appreciate the support and collaboration of The Stud to make this event possible. However, because of the nature of this event we realize it’s not accessible for everyone and we apologize. We hope that we can offer events in the future that can meet your access needs, and are open to feedback as well.

Saturday, February 22
7 pm - 9 pm
becomes PARTY
9:30 pm - 12 pm
@ CounterPulse
ROT 2025 festival will come to a close with this year's FINAL performance marathon <3<3<3
Hosted by ROT, the Performance Marathon is an evening extravaganza of art by local performers, DJ & dancing post performances, and a grand ole community time.
Shatter expectation. Expect minimal tech. Take risks. FAIL HARDER. Fuck cultural pressure, euro-centric capitalistic bull shit, and elitism.
This is our performance of the YEAR for ROT!
Join us after for a big blow out partttttyyyyy!!!!
DJ: Lonald J. Bandz and DJ ariB
Let’s dance together, let’s get weird, let’s say goodbye through ecstatic celebration.
COME to both performance + partyyyyyy, or just one,,,
Performance by:
Juliet Paramor
Paz Hidalgo + Emily Hippert
Rama Mahesh Hall
EARTHA KUNT (aka Gabriele Christian)
Taja Will + Moonyeka
Kim Ip + Styles Alexander

Community conversation about what is next for this festival and beyond
6 - 8 pm
@ Joe Goode Annex

Friday, Feb 21
1 - 5 pm
@ Joe Goode Annex
email for low income sliding scale
This is a collage, a quilt, a portal, a spell. This is not a contact jam or compositional improvisation jam. This is a space where queer energies and potentialities explore, expand, take off!! In this open-ended collaboration we will co-create, synthesize, cry in the corner, decompress, dance like nobody's watching, perform for no one, perform for each other, co-conspire and challenge what is polite.
We will make art.
We will collectively perform world-making, space shaping, composting, and dissolve.
We will leave behind memories and maps for future convergence.
This is fantasy and fiction and something in-between.
bring a lunch and snacks to share
1p-2p: warm-up + circle time
3:30p-5pm debrief and clean up<3
1. We will make a mess together and we will clean up our mess together
2. I will provide some costumes, textiles, props to play with, a speaker, a camcorder, and art supplies.
BUT>>> plzzz bring your own costumes, props, materials, instruments, poetry, an idea, your favorite song, etc.
3. We will begin in collective decision making and process, building a manifesto together, creating roles, setting intentions for the space, and naming desires.
4. We will end holding hands and holding each other in discussion and aftercare.
I am sourcing inspiration for space holding from my teachers and my teachers teachers, Kathleen Hermesdorf, Keith Hennessey, Ishmael Houston-Jones, Sara Shelton Mann, Abby Crain, Isabel Lewis, the Architects, Tommy DeFrantz, José Esteban Moñoz (Cruising Utopia).
This jam will be held by ainsley elizabeth tharp and Kevin Lo
ainsley e. tharp’s work is experimental, feminine but not very ladylike, fixated on failure as protest, and informed by improvisation as play, impermanence as study, and mess making as necessity. She is an interdisciplinary artist and witch working in between and with fringe subcultures rooted in the Bay Area. Her work is inspired by antiracism, proto feminism, and anarchist principles and practices. ainsley’s artistic background is in the field of experimental dance, visual art, video art, and projection design. She works towards creating and organizing low-income accessible art access spaces in the Bay Area. She is currently organizing and teaching with the ˈɡaT͟H(ə)riNGs class series with her collaborator gizeh muñiz vengel a community run donation based dance class series. She is also a part of the curatorial & organizational team for ROT 2025 (formally known as FRESH) a festival the centers queerness, QTBIPOC, and also prioritizes donation based access to workshops and performances.

Prompts for comps with Sara Shelton Mann
Prompts for comps as improvisational terrain,
What do secrets have to do with it/
class with Sara Shelton Mann
Wednesday 2/19/25 & Thursday 2/20/25
1pm - 4 pm
at Joe Goode Annex
$84 workshop
$45 drop-in
email for low income sliding scale
Prompts for comps as improvisational terrain,
What do secrets have to do with it/
Feeling into the senses/prompts for comp
An improvisational approach to creating
States and systems
Time and space/foreground and background
Action and nuance/personal and impersonal
How we made things before we got serious
Solo, collaborative, sound, props, what else?
It’s fun. No judgment/No doubt
This is a teaser and a basic class for beginners and everyone else
Sara Shelton Mann/artist, writer, healer. Sara has been teaching and creating collaborative performances in the USA and Europe since 1979. She is a dowser, a Master NLP Practitioner and has a Master Certification in Intuition Medicine. Her Moving Alchemy Training is a living school which she has been developing over many years and is a platform for collaboration and research in consciousness. Her books are “erasing time” and the “moving alchemy” training manual.

florwerk with gizeh muñiz vengel
class with gizeh muñiz vengel
Wednesday, 2/19/25 & Thursday, 2/20/25
10 am - 12 pm
at Joe Goode Annex
$56 both days
$30 per class
email for low income sliding scale
This is a dynamic and deep movement practice.
I am particularly interested in the somatic process of learning (or remembering) and embodying movement, which allows us to not only train the body for aesthetic and performance purposes but for strengthening our neural pathways that can help us expand our awareness of space, time and connection.
Through breath, warmth, rhythm and stillness, this practice explores a rigorous and buoyant physicality that embraces pleasure, tenderness and community, through phrases, somatic practices and improvisation
level: advanced-intermediate
movement, teaching and performing artist. Mexicana, currently co-existing in Ohlone Territory. They are dedicated to the study of being a breathing body through movement and stillness. Their creative work responds to an arduous commitment to transformation, presence and witnessing.
Interested in exploring new paradigms of temporality, relationality and intimacy. They insist on the importance of “listening and dreaming with the whole body”. She creates spaces to play and divest from concepts of linearity in a creative process with the intention of practicing freedom and opening dialogues of postcolonial possibilities.
Kevin Lo curates
at THE LAB in San Francisco
Tuesday door at 7p show 7:30
$10—$25 sliding scale NOTAFLOF at the door //FREE for LAB members
ROT Festival presents:
Eva Priečková (SK) + Zuzana Žabková (SK) - Weak Women
Nkechi Deanna Njaka
Emma Quan Dewey + YolkwalliCass
Eva Priečková and Zuzana Žabková are friends, collaborators and artistic mischiefs since 2011. They met in an academic environment where they challenged obedience, control and discipline over bodies and mind. They are curious in various forms of dance explorations and deviations through somatic practices, critical theories, poetry, Eastern European backgrounds, experiential anatomy, consensual touch work and long durational, non hierarchical working methods. Through the support of experimental female musicians from unnoticed artistic peripheries. They like to see and feel dance art and dance practices weaved into a daily network of connection, within communities and world in its horror and ongoing struggle. In their practice, this hard-core reality is in the conversation with human right of pleasure, joy, imagination, awe and softness. Currently based on lived experiences, they are turning their curiosity toward practices connected to collective mourning and death, decay and degeneration. To create a safe net or nest for people to come and feel embraced and welcomed with their embodied sorrow, pain and heaviness to propose connection and regeneration.
Emma Quan Dewey (any pronouns) is a Bay Area-raised dancer, choreographer, and educator putting down roots in Huichiun (Oakland). Emma’s work grounds itself in dance as an imaginative, world-building act / as a ritual to move through the intimate ways identity, power structures, and history play out at the level of the body / as an offering to be in relationship with land, ancestors, and spirits. Right now, Emma's work is most curious about moving with the energetics of the Chinese zodiac and ancestral rage.
YolkwalliCass is a multidimensional artist, designer, and performer raised and based in Irgin, Confederate Villages of Lisjan. Born on the land of the turtle~shaped pot, Tzacuatl Ayotl Michoacán, Mexico, pre-colonially P'urhepecha Nation, their practice focuses on highlighting their interweaving identities and elevating universal truths. Cass is in constant exploration of space, form, and movement in relationship with the human body, the energetic and spiritual bodies, the natural environment, and the built environment. Their work aims to re~Member the Architecture of Spirit ~ mend and re~Design the gaps constructed by a fragmented colonial cosmology.
Nkechi Deanna Njaka (she/her) is a neuroscientist, choreography artist, leading mindfulness expert and meditation guide. She is the founder of The Compass, NDN lifestyle studio and co-founder of the sleep app DreamWell. She was a 2017 YBCA Truth Fellow and a 2021 Kennedy Center Artist in Residence. She is currently Esalen Faculty, an Advisor of Chorus Meditation, and a lululemon ambassador for her work in mindfulness. Nkechi has spent the majority of her life investigating the relationship between the brain and the body and has always felt the significance of their integration. She attended Scripps College in Claremont, CA where she majored in neuroscience and dance and went on to complete an MSc. in Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh. She is currently a PhD candidate in Creative Research at The TransArt Institute.
Kevin CK Lo is a composer, choreographer, writer and artist living in Oakland. His work utilizes instruments, digital sound processing and generative programming environments to examine spatial and auditory sensitivities, topological structure and audience kinesthetic response while seeking to corrupt conventional compositional/performative/installative rationale. He is currently completing a PhD in Music Composition at UC Berkeley. He also organizes in the arts around the Bay, and teaches at San Jose State University.
ROT is an artist-run, independent festival of experimental dance and performance. Now curated and run collectively, the ROT festival conjures the unparalleled power of the arts as a tool of resistance to subvert and heal from ancestral and ongoing violence.
wReQrelational ACTtivi(ties) with jose e. abad
wReQrelational ACTtivi(ties) with jose e. abad
Monday, 2/17/25 & Tuesday, 2/18/25
1 pm - 4 pm
at Joe Goode Annex
$84 workshop
$45 drop-ins
email for low income sliding scale
wReQrelational ACTtivi(ties) can be a great way to relax and de-stress. When choosing a wReQrelational ACTtivi(tie), it's important to pick something you enjoy and that fits your interests and abilities. You should also be safe and responsible when participating.
In this workshop we will explore somatic practices that explore building connection amidst societal decay with improvisation and play.
Level: Open/Intermediate
Participant should be comfortable with/open to improvisation, conversation, and working with/developing movement scores
This class will generally be structured beginning with somatic/sensory explorations/warm-up; followed by discussion/theory/collective study; closing with integrative improvisational scores.

Protean Progressions with Sherwood Chen
Protean Progressions with Sherwood Chen
Monday, 2/17/25 & Tuesday, 2/18/25
10 am - 12 pm
at Joe Goode Annex
$56 workshop
$30 drop-ins
email for low income sliding scale
A relentless torrent of ever-shifting, concrete movements across the floor will develop kinesthetic, rhythmic and motor awareness. These simple, challenging layers intend to defamiliarize our bodies as a strategy to savor them as dynamic, transformative environments. It is a sweaty one-shot inquiry—at once individual and collective—to test limit, drive, scale, fun, rigor, interchange and rhythm.
Sherwood Chen performs and leads workshops internationally. He has worked as a performer with artists including Grisha Coleman, Anna Halprin, Amara Tabor-Smith, Su-Feh Lee, Xavier Le Roy, Larry Arrington, Min Tanaka, Antonija Livingstone, Sara Shelton Mann, Wanjiru Kamuyu, Yuko Kaseki, inkBoat / Ko Murobushi, Jess Curtis, Anne Collod and Jérôme Bel. For over twenty years, he contributed to Body Weather research initiated by Tanaka and his associates, both as a member of Tanaka’s company Mai Juku and Body Weather Farm in Japan, and with members of founding generations in the US and Europe including Oguri and Christine Quoiraud.
FEBRUARY 16-22, 2025